Lovely, nutty and as soft or as crunchy as you like!

What could be better than a cup of coffee and a peanut butter cookie? Leaving aside those who don't drink coffee, and those for whom peanuts can be fatal...
These cookies take very little time, there is little effort - aside from a bit of stirring with a wooden spoon, and, although they say baking is a science, you can go a few grams either side of the measurements without causing a disaster.
100g caster sugar
110g soft brown sugar
1 beaten egg
115g melted butter
190g self raising flour
1 tsp vanilla extract
180g peanut butter - crunchy is great for added texture, but go where your heart leads you.
Watch the video
Preheat the oven to 160ºC
Mix the sugars, the egg and the butter in a bowl until it comes together as a gloopy paste.
Add the rest of the ingredients and stir until the whole thing forms a soft, slightly less-than-firm dough.
Roll into small balls (it's good to have a bowl of warm water nearby to keep your hands wet - this stops the dough from sticking to you.
Press the balls onto a baking tray covered in baking paper. I use my fingers to press them down, which leaves a nice indentation - you can do whatever tickles your creative fancy.
In the oven for 10-14 minutes: the shorter the time, the softer your cookies.
Let the cookies rest on the tray for about 10-15 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool and harden.