This is a variation on an Italian dish - I'm using chorizo instead of Italian sausage; it's cheaper, easier to get and it's what I had!
Serves 4-5
Costs £4.35-£5.00 depending on what you use

Another one-pot-wonder. It's cheap and really tasty.
500g pork shoulder - £2.00 (£8 for 2Kg)
300g potatoes - 30p (about 60p/Kg)
1 red pepper - 50p
1 onion - 10p
1 garlic bulb - 35p
20% of a chorizo sausage - 50p (£2.50 for the whole thing)
glug of white wine - if you have it
bay leaves
2 lemons - 60p
Watch the video
Put oil in a pan and pop it in the oven at 200ºC
Cut the potatoes into thick chunks
Trim a lot of the fat from the pork - cut up the fat - we'll pop it in for flavour. We're wasting nothing
You can leave some skin on some bits of pork, or remove it all - it's entirely up to you. See? THIS is what autonomy feels like.
Thick chunks of chorizo, Italian sausage or just plain bangers
Remove the paper skin from the garlic bulb, but leave the cloves unpeeled
Peel and roughly chop the onion into... you guessed it - big chunks
Deseed and thickly slice the pepper
Halve the lemons - we're juicing them
Wearing oven gloves take the pan from the oven
Pop in the pork and let it sizzle and brown
Add the onions, garlic, potatoes... hang on... add everything
Plop bay leaves and rosemary in too; a sprinkle of salt and a good glug of wine (I only had rosé - worked fine)
Stir it all through and add a little oil on top and the lemon juice
Pop the uncovered pot in the oven,
THEN turn the oven down to 160ºC
After an hour, give it a good stir
Pop it back in for another hour