A crispy, spicy side dish that could easily be a main course

This is a reasonably quick side dish that could easily be a main course if you wanted something fast and spicy with a bit of texture. About 35 minutes start to finish. Crispy potatoes and halloumi with a soft centre, but slightly crisp at the edges, mixed through with harissa paste - make it as hot as you like!
harissa paste
fresh marjoram - or thyme - or oregano
chives - or spring onions
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Peel and dice the potatoes
Dice the halloumi to roughly the same size as the potatoes
Add the potatoes to quite hot oil - not crazy hot, or they'll stick, and you'll get crisp outside and raw inside
Add some salt
After about 10 minutes add the herbs
Turn the potatoes every so often to prevent them sticking, and to crisp up the edges
Don't move them too often - you want them to crisp
About 15 minutes later, add the halloumi
Add a teaspoon or two of harissa, and stir it through
It's ready in about 5 minutes
Dress with fresh parsley or marjoram leaves